S. N. Nekrasov, doktor filosofskih nauk, professor,
D. S. Sosnovskih, starshiy prepodavatel Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta
(Ekaterinburg, ul. Karla Libknehta, 42).
A new look at the state was originally developed by a major French marxist L. Althusser in the form of the concept of the ideological apparatus of the state. The state apparatus of repression operates through violence, whereas the ideological state apparatuses functions by ideology. The very functioning of the ideological apparatus of the state plays the role of a single reproduction of the relations of production. A pair the School – Family has replaced the Church – Family, but why in a capitalist society the educational apparatus became dominant? The school brings together children of different social classes during the long years when the child is most receptive. The existence of ideas, in which they believe the individual is material. By L. Althusser, disappears the term "idea", were the terms "subject", "consciousness", "belief", "action", were the terms "practice", "rituals", "ideological apparatus". It turns out that man is by nature an ideological animal. As ideology is eternal and always turns individuals into subjects, this leads to the assumption that individuals are always already subjects.
1. Althusser L. Ideologie et appareils ideologiques d’Etat. (Notes pour une recherche) // Althusser L. Positions. P.: Ed. sociales, 1982.
2. Gramshi A. Tyuremnye tetradi. CH.1. M.: IPL, 1991. S. 100.
3. Gramshi A. Tyuremnye tetradi. CH.1. M.: IPL, 1991. S.101.
4. Marks K., Engels F. Soch. T.13. S.7.
5. Marks K., Engels F. Soch. T.3. S.25.