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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


S.N. Nekrasov, doktor filosofskih nauk, professor,

D.S. Sosnovskih, starshiy prepodavatel


The rise of information society has coincided with the crisis and artificial – the result of the defeat of our country in the cold war – "the loss of the Russian history" in the 1990s, But now, in the beginning of the new Millennium begins a gradual and careful, "the return of Russian history". In the field of social philosophy, this process is consistent with the return of people to theory. In modern Russia there is not one society, but several at the same time and they look like special fragments of the mosaic of the information society. The process of development of human creative potential is implemented in the post-modern world of alienation in the wrong form of progress of the "society of professionals", training of a qualified employee. In fact, postindustrial technologies and the dominance of creative activity associated with the self-realization of human activity-communication, is a manifestation of the death of the era of domination of material production. The return of Russia to history means that the leader of this process is the most affected by the collapse of material production civilization – Russian civilization, which in its crisis development goes on the rails of post-industrialism. This process is consistent with the return of people and their non-material practice to social theory as the most important agents of social transformation of post-industrial society.


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