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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Some aspects of the assessment of the effectiveness of public administration in the socio-economic sphere

N. N. Simachkova, kand. istor. nauk, dotsent,

E. V. Zarubina, kand. filos. nauk, dotsent,

N. B. Fateeva, starshiy prepodavatel,

L. N. Petrova, assistent kafedry upravleniya i prava


The article deals with the problems of the efficiency of state management in the socioeconomic sphere, through the prism of the evaluation of scientific discourse on socioeconomic management and its systems; improving the efficiency of reproduction of social capital and quality of life as a reflection of the effectiveness of socioeconomic management. The effectiveness of socioeconomic management is considered not by assessing the overall performance of the socioeconomic system, but by those that are the direct result of management decisions, the result of the implementation of socioeconomic policy of the state.


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