Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Features of growing new tomato hybrids in low-volume hydroponics in the Middle Urals

УДК 635.64:631.589.2

Karpukhin M.Yu., Shahova K.A.

This article discusses the cultivation of new tomato hybrids by the method of low-volume hydroponics. The study was conducted in a modern greenhouse plant JSC "Greenhouse", located in the village of Garden, the Northern part of the city of Yekaterinburg. Phenological and biometric observations were carried out using the technique of "registration of Culture parameters" or monitoring. The experience was studied hybrids F1 2000, F1 12001, 12002 F1, F1 12003, 12004 F1. As a control variety was the Dutch hybrid F1 Romano

Keyword: tomato, hydroponics, micro-climate, low-volume substrate, the study of tomato, indoor ground, technology

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