A.A. Sadov, aspirant,
K.M. Potetnya, assistent kafedry,
L.A. Novopashin, kandidat tehnicheskih nauk, dotsent UrGAU.
Every year the issue of replacing traditional petroleum fuels with alternative ones becomes more acute. This is associated with a reduction in oil stocks as a result of a sharp increase in the number of devices operating on the principle of burning hydrocarbons, and converting them into mechanical energy. To select alternative fuels, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of existing alternatives to traditional fuels from hydrocarbon feedstocks. For the Russian Federation, the most topical alternative fuels are gas fuels (methane, propane), biodiesel and dieselmixed fuels. As a promising direction, we chose a multicomponent diesel mixed fuel based on ricin oil and bioethanol produced from castor oil.
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