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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


M. YU. Karpuhin, k. s.-h. n., dotsent kafedry ovoschevodstva i plodovodstva im N. F. Konyaeva, dekan fakulteta agrotehnologiy i zemleustroystva;

A. V. Abramchuk, k. b. n., dotsent kafedry rastenievodstva i selektsii, Uralskogo GAU

Lilac (Syrínga L.). The genus includes about 30 species of wild-growing in Eurasia from Southern Europe to the Himalayas, North-East Asia and Japan. All kinds of undemanding, grow even on sandy soil, but the need for a better development in the fertile, not too dry soil, drained, containing lime. Do not tolerate acidic soils and the proximity of groundwater. Can grow in partial shade, to copious and prolonged flowering you need a sunny location. Most species are winter-hardy, resistant to urban conditions. Well tolerated transplant (during the growing season), forming, need regular thinning of the crown, removing superfluous shoots and root pruning of the withered shoots. Lilac Amur, the Amur Treskun (Syringa amurensis Rupr.). Quite often used in landscaping, thanks to the beautiful foliage, late and prolonged flowering, fragrant flowers, which give an unusual appearance far protruding stamens, elegant autumn decoration. Recommended for group and individual plantings, different types of hedges and compositions, edges vysokorastuschih trees. Valuable culture for processing reservoirs and areas adjacent to industrial enterprises. Hungarian lilac (Syringa josikaea Jacq.). The valuable crop for landscape construction, especially in the northern regions. Recommended for opushek, groups, singles (in the bush and shtambovoy forms) and ordinary landings, molded and high living unshaped hedges, for landscaping industrial areas. In the Urals, it is often used in landscaping. Syringa vulgaris (Syringa vulgaris L.). Recommended for group and single landing on the background lawn, forest edges, not ringworm high and shaped hedges. Garden variety in the form of a bush used for groups, wide borders along the park roads and singly on the lawn, and in the form for registration shtambovoy alleys, parterres and flower beds.


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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

Address: 620075 Ekaterinburg, ul.Karla Libknekhta, 42,

+7 (343) 221-40-01; 371-33-63 - rectorate

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