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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Demand and its main elements

E.S. Kulikova, kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, dotsent,

O.A. Ruschitskaya, kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, dotsent


One of the determining factors of consumer actions is the price. When forming the price policy, the company's management should understand the impact of the competitive structure of the market and set such prices on its goods in order to master the planned market share, ensure survival and get the intended profit. The ability of a retailer to make carefully thought – out purchases is the most important component of its successful activity. In addition, the management of retail enterprises need to own the art of markdown of slow sales. To reach consumers, retailers must decide on the methods of promotion. Effective product promotion provides a system of demand formation and sales promotion or a set of marketing communications.


1. Kulikova E. S. Organizatsiya marketingovogo issledovaniya lokalnoy territorii [Tekst] / E. S. Kulikova, O. V. Tsitsina // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. 2015. # 1.
2. Kulikova E. S. Osobennosti marketingovyh tehnologiy territorii [Tekst] / I.V. Razorvin, E. S. Kulikova // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2012. # 3. S.81–82.
3. Ruschitskaya O.A., Stozhko K.P., Kruzhkova T.I. Evraziyskaya integratsiya: nastoyaschee i buduschee // Agrarnyy vestnik Urala. 2016. # 03 (145). S. 102-108.
4. Song R., Moon S., Chen H. et al. When marketing strategy meets culture: the role of culture in product evaluations // JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE. MAY, 2018. Vol. 46. Iss. 3. Pp. 384-402.

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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